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File Semua data baik tulisan tidak sepenuhnya ditulis atau dipublikasikan berdasarkan pemikiran dari admin.Beberapa informasi yang tersedia di website ini mengambil referensi dari konten lain baik itu situs lokal ataupun luar. Sedangkan untuk file berupa video , gambar dan juga file rar dari anime yang kami upload bukan properti asli dari kami melainkan hak cipta dari masing – masing pemiliknya.Website ini tidak mengklaim kepemilikan atau tanggung jawab atas setiap file tersebut.

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Thank you for your visit to the site waifudl.my.id By visiting & downloading files / content in Waifu Downloader you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions regarding privacy policies set by us. Your joining together with the kqmi site means that you accept new and modified terms and conditions.

 Data / File Content All data both writing is not fully written or published based on the thoughts of the admin. Some information available on this website takes references from other content both local and external sites. As for the files in the form of videos, images and also rar files from the anime that we uploaded are not our original property but the copyright of their respective owners. This website does not claim ownership or responsibility for any of these files.